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April 10, 2008

Announcement! Pls. Read

. April 10, 2008

How to get a 1 Month FREE premium account in Rapidshare and Megaupload:

Read carefully the instructions below:
01. First you need to register for a free account, Click Here To Register
or click the image below:

02. Type your valid email and click the signup button below the empty box or follow the image instruction below:

Free 1 Month Premium

Free 1 Month Premium

Note: You can use the zip/postal code shown on the image above or provide a zip/postal code that is located in the U.S.A. [United States Of America], For pinoys the zip/postal code in the Philippines are not valid to get an offer which you need to get your premium account.
So DO NOT use any zip/postal code in the Philippines.

03. Check the email you used to register and click the activation link [it can be found in your inbox or in the spam folder]!

04. Click whatever offer is currently available for you;

Cick on the MyPoints banner image and complete the quick one page form.
[You need to register again at MyPoints and complete a survey form]
Once you registered and finished answering the survey it will ask you to confirm your account, Check the email address you used in registering in MyPoints and click the confirmation. Once you have clicked the confirmation link, the offer has been complete and your account will be credited within 5 business days.

Click on the Win $5,000 banner and complete the form.
[You need to register again at Win $5,000 and complete a survey form]
Once you registered and finished answering the survey it will ask you to confirm your account, Check the email address you used in registering in Win $5,000 and click the confirmation. Once you have clicked the confirmation link, the offer has been complete and your account will be credited within 5 business days.

If you see 2 offer register and fill up the surveys in the 2 offers, If only 1 offer is available register and fill up the survey in that offer. Do not forget to click the confirmation link that has been sent to your email address for each offer!

05. Log in again on your account and click the REFER FRIENDS, get your referral link and give it to your friends, post it in your blog, forums, chatrooms etc! you need 5 successful registration to get your free premium! its as SIMPLY and EASY as that!

Remember you need to wait 5 business days [Monday to Friday] for the validation of your referral credit points! Just be patient and check your account regularly for updates.

Here is an example [this is my account] I currently have 19 full offer credit points which entitles me of 3 1month premium accounts for any file hosting site I choose [Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, etc] 5 full offer credit points = 1month premium account.

Others say that this is a scam because the site is new and was created on 2008 but after trying it out by myself I found out that those who say that this is a scam is not true, maybe they did not follow the correct procedure to get a free 1month premium account or just totally STUPID in registering and filling up surveys!

06. After gaining enough full offer credit points from your refferals [mine has 19 full offer credit points which gives me 3 1month free premium accounts, 5 full offer credit points = 1 1month FREE premium account] you will see atthe bottom of your "Account Status Page" a message that says "You have completed all requirements for your FREE premium membership. Click the button below to have your referrals verified. this process can take up to 3 business days."

They will verify the accounts of your referrals and yours as well if you violated any of the TOS [Terms Of Service] which is "only 1 account per IP address" or read the oder facts by clicking the "Terms Of Service" at the very bottom of the page in your account. View the image below:

07. After your referrals and your account has been verified, at the bottom of your "Account Status Page" you will see a message "Your account has been verified. Click the button below to order your free Rapidshare Premium Account" or whatever hosting site you selected, I selected Rapidshare. Then click the "Place Your Order Button" and wait for the 1month premium account username & password of the hosting site of your choice to be e-mailed to you or they can send the username & password via the support ticket or they will give you $12 via your paypal account and purchase it at your own. View the image below:

Hope this guide helped you in getting a FREE 1month premium account.
Start getting FREE 1month premium accounts click the image below:

Free 1 Month Premium

Guides and Tutorials By: SIRACOMPUTER

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